Moblin4Children – How-To Install GCompris on a Moblin Production Image



Part 1: How to prepare the installation package.

You need to work on the Moblin Development Image.
We suppose you have GCompris sources under /usr/local/src/gcompris

step 1.1 Create the package-directory:
# cd /usr/local/src/
# mkdir gcompris_install

step 1.2 Compile GCompris and Install it under /usr/local/src/gcompris
# cd /usr/local/src/gcompris
# make distclean
# ./configure –disable-gnet –without-python –disable-sqlite –prefix=/usr/local/src/gcompris_install/ –exec-prefix=/usr/local/src/gcompris_install/
(patch Makefile by removing docs entry – see also here)
# make
# make install

step 1.3 Build installation package and copy it on an USB Pen Drive
# cd /usr/local/src/
# tar cvjf gcompris_install.tar.bz2 gcompris_install/
# mount /dev/sdc1 /media/disk
(/dev/sdc1 have to be changed at your need)
# mv gcompris_install.tar.bz2 /media/disk

Part 2: How to install the package

step 2.1 Boot your notebook with a Moblin Image (flash or hard disk installed).
step 2.2 Open a terminal and became root (use “su” command).
step 2.3 Insert and mount USB Pen Drive (if you need use “mount” command).
step 2.4 Access to USB Pen Drive mounted directory.

step 2.5 Install GCompris binary and data:
# tar xvjf gcompris_install.tar.bz2
# cp -ar gcompris_install/* /usr/local/

Part 3: Run GCompris on Moblin Image.

Type the command

NOTE: On my Acer Aspire One the sound seems to work good.
PROBLEM: I got a problem on the layout of the Windows. The application bar has some problem.