OpenDaylight Developer Spotlight: Colin Dixon


Colin Dixon

OpenDaylight is an open source software project focused on advancing Software-Defined Networking (SDN). The Developer Spotlight blog series profiles the people who are contributing to the project.

Colin Dixon is a computer systems researcher at IBM Research’s Austin Lab. His research interests are broadly in systems, spanning networks, distributed systems, operating systems and security with an emphasis on building real, secure, reliable and efficient computer systems. He’s on Twitter at @colin_dixon.

How did you get involved with OpenDaylight? What is your background?

I’ve been pretty intensely involved with OpenDaylight since the beginning. I’m a researcher at IBM working on SDN and before OpenDaylight, I did a lot of work with, and contributed to, the Floodlight OpenFlow controller. As a result, I heavily contributed to IBM’s first OpenFlow controller, which was based on Floodlight, and when IBM was spinning up OpenDaylight, I became IBM’s unofficial OpenDaylight technical expert.

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