Corsa Technology Uses SDN to Traffic-Slice the WAN


Corsa Technology has been touting its programmable data-plane appliance as a way to implement SDN and OpenFlow. With the introduction of a smaller appliance today, the startup is talking more about a specific use case: virtualization for the metro and WAN networks.

Corsa is saying its hardware-based virtualization can slice the network into zones, separating traffic in order to preserve performance or maintain security. It can also be a first step toward automating on-demand services, says Carolyn Raab, Corsa’s vice president of product management.

If that sounds familiar, it’s because virtualization happens all day long in data centers. Corsa is hoping to apply the concept to the WAN and the metro edge.

A different approach is needed in those networks because their traffic is more varied than what you’d find in the data center, Raab says. The metro network faces a wider variety of protocols and bit rates, and video is a bigger factor there, especially in the age of content delivery networks (CDNs).

Read more at SDxCentral.