TNS Context: The CNCF Open Source Survey and the Ballerina Programming Language


Today on The New Stack Context podcast, we talk with Chris Aniszczyk, co-founder of the TODO Group and Chief Technology Officer of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) about the results of our recent open source program management survey. 

This week, we released the results of a survey on how companies are managing open source software and the benefits and challenges of formal policies and programs. 

We surveyed more than 700 respondents, most of them developers and found that:

  • More than half of respondents (53 percent) across all industries say their organization has an open source software program or has plans to establish one.
  • But having a formal program is a best practice among large tech companies
  • And the number of program is growing: we expect that the number of large companies with open source programs will triple by 2020.

Read more at The New Stack