Scribus 1.0 – Linux Desktop Publishing is Released

Anonymous Reader writes “Programmer Franz Schmid is pleased to announce the release of Scribus 1.0 – Linux Desktop Publishing. Two years in development and available in 17 languages, Scribus represents the first open source DTP application capable of generating professional “press-ready” results.

Among the major features of Scribus:

  • A modern user friendly interface developed with Qt. Scribus can run on Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, BSD and soon Mac OSX. An experimental version running on KDE-Cygwin and Windows 2000 is in testing.
  • Unicode support including support for right to left scripts.
  • Can export CMYK separations and “press-ready” PDF including PDF 1.4 features such as transparency.
  • The only DTP application to create fully ISO compliant PDF/X-3 files.
  • A powerful PDF export engine capable of creating fully interactive PDF forms, presentation effects and encrypted PDF.
  • ICC color management via the littlecms color management engine.
  • Powerful cross-platform Python Scripting language extending Scribus functions and automating tasks, as well as calling external applications within Scribus.
  • Uses XML as a native file format. The Scribus XML format has been fully documented.

The Scribus Team:

Programming / Original Author Franz Schmid Franz.Schmid at

Code Review and API Documentation Paul F. Johnson paulf.johnson at

English Documentation and Testing Peter Linnell scribusdocs at

Many contributions and translations from users.

Scribus Home Page: or

On line documentation and or
