Congratulations OpenMandriva!


Paris the 26th of November 2013. Mandriva S.A., the leading European Open Source Software vendor congratulates the OpenMandriva project for the release of its first stable version. In 2012, Mandriva S.A. had  decided to discontinue the development of its own Mandriva Linux distribution and to give it back to the community. This transfer of leadership, resources and stewarts is unique in that it highlighted the deep collaboration between a corporation and a volunteer-based community.

After an inital transition phase leading to the establishement of a french NGO (OpenMandriva Association), the OpenMandriva project took on the development that  led to the release of OpenMandriva LX on Monday. This release, as such, marks the rebirth of the former Mandriva  Linux communityand it is something which Mandriva welcomes with interest and happiness.