Lernid 0.4 Released And Demo

Article Source jonobacon@home
January 4, 2010, 5:17 pm

I have just released Lernid 0.4 to the Lernid Releases PPA. This release incorporates the final features that I planned out for the first major release, and it is now onto bug fixing in preparation for our first full-scale event that can use Lernid – Ubuntu Developer Week.

Many of you are probably curious to see Lernid in action, so tomorrow I will be giving a short presentation (around 20 minutes) to talk about Lernid…using Lernid! I will talk about the project, it’s direction, show off a few features and answer questions.

It will take place at 7pm UTC. To get involved you will need to install and use Lernid to connect. Install it by following these instructions (on Karmic):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lernid-devs/lernid-releases sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install lernid 

When it is installed just do the following:

  1. Click Applications -> Internet -> Lernid to load Lernid.
  2. Select ‘Ubuntu Example Week’ from the Event drop-down box and enter a nickname (don’t include spaces in the nickname, this is a known bug).
  3. When Lernid loads you will see the session scheduled for tomorrow and what time it is in your local timezone. When it comes to the session time, fire up Lernid: you will see the session happen in the Classroom pane.

I am looking forward to showing you all Lernid tomorrow!