Linux SOHO NAS Offers iSCSI

Article Source LinuxDevices
May 5, 2009, 11:00 am

Qnap Systems announced a network-attached storage (NAS) device, aimed at SMB/SOHO users, that supports two 2TB hard drives. The Linux-based TS-239 Pro Turbo NAS is notable for its iSCSI (Internet SCSI) target service, enabling the NAS to be configured for expansion or backup for other servers.

Like other recent members of Qnap’s TS line of NAS devices, the TS-239 Pro runs embedded Linux on an Intel Atom clocked at 1.6GHz, and supports Linux, Windows, Mac, and UNIX desktops. The TS-239 Pro is based on the TS-439 Pro that Qnap released in February. This in turn was based on the six-bay (9TB) TS-639 Pro announced in January, which was Qnap’s first Atom-based NAS.