What Is DevSecOps?


DevOps was born from merging the practices of development and operations, removing the silos, aligning the focus, and improving efficiency and performance of both the teams and the product. 

Security is a common silo in many organizations. Security’s core focus is protecting the organization, and sometimes this means creating barriers or policies that slow down the execution of new services or products to ensure that everything is well understood and done safely and that nothing introduces unnecessary risk to the organization.

DevSecOps looks at merging the security discipline within DevOps. By enhancing or building security into the developer and/or operational role, or including a security role within the product engineering team, security naturally finds itself in the product by design.

Gettings started with DevSecOps involves shifting security requirements and execution to the earliest possible stage in the development process. It ultimately creates a shift in culture where security becomes everyone’s responsibility, not only the security team’s.

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