10 Principles of Resilience for Women in Tech


Women in technology roles have dropped from its peak in 1991 at 36% to 25% today, according to a report by NCWITHarvard Business Review estimates that more than half of the women in tech will eventually leave due to hostile work conditions. Meanwhile, Ernst & Young recently shared a study and found that merely 11% of high school girls are planning to pursue STEM careers.

We have much work to do, lest we build a future that is less inclusive than the one we live in today. We need everyone at the table, in the lab, at the conference and in the boardroom.

I’ve been interviewing both women and men for more than a year now about their experiences in tech, all as part of The Chasing Grace Project, a documentary series about women in tech. The purpose of the series is to help recruit and retain female talent for the tech industry and to give women a platform to be seen, heard, and acknowledged for their experiences. We believe that compelling story can begin to transform culture.

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