Inside the Distros: A Year in Linux Development


Linux will turn 30 in three years. We look at how far the major Linux distributions – or distros – have come over the past year and what they might be able to bring in the future

If the collective roadmap progressions of the major open source distributions (distros) throughout 2017 show anything, it is the importance of applying automation intelligence and cloud network orchestration to the total stack of functions that go towards making up an enterprise-grade Linux operating system (OS).  

The big brands in enterprise Linux include Canonical with its Ubuntu OS, Red Hat with its Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), and SuSE with SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES). Other growing names spanning the free and open source category include Linux Mint, CentOS, Fedora, Mandriva, ReactOS, Solus and Chrome OS from Google.

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