This Week in Open Source: Linux Foundation Events in 2018, How Linux Came to Dominate Supercomputers & More


This past week in open source, the 2018 Linux Foundation Events list is live, how Linux wound up dominating the TOP500 list, and more! Read on to stay in the know. 

1) Adrian Bridgwater breaks down what’s coming up in 2018 for Linux Foundation events.

Linux Foundation 2018 Events List–

2) “All 500 machines on the TOP500 supercomputer list run Linux. Here’s how the little OS that could, did.”

How Did Linux Come to Dominate Supercomputing?

3) This Fall, the kernel team extended the next version of Linux’s Long Term Support (LTS) from two to six years– but that doesn’t necessarily mean the same for future versions.

Long-Term Linux Support Future Clarified– ZDNet

4) Once hailed as the city that ran on Linux, Munich will now shell out €49.3 million to run Microsoft.

Munich Ends its Long-Running Love Affair With Linux– engadget

5) “Top technology companies are joining together on open-source license compliance and enforcement.”

Facebook, Google, IBM and Red Hat Team Up on Open-Source License Compliance