MapD Open Sources GPU-Powered Database


Since starting work on MapD more than five years ago while taking a database course at MIT, I had always dreamed of making the project open source. It is thus with great pleasure to announce that today our company is open sourcing the MapD Core database and associated visualization libraries, effective immediately.

The code is available on Github under an Apache 2.0 license. It has everything you need to build a fully functional installation of the MapD Core database, enabling sub-second querying across many billions of records on a multi-GPU server. All of our core tech, including our tiered caching system and our LLVM query compilation engine, is contained in today’s open source release.

Hence in conjunction with the open source announcement we are also excited today to announce the foundation of the GPU Open Analytics Initiative (GOAI) with Continuum Analytics and Together we are unveiling our first project, the GPU Data Frame (GDF).

Read more at MapD