Introducing the Open Source Entrepreneur Network


I’m happy to announce that will syndicate content from the Open Source Entrepreneur Network. Wait. What? Who? Where? Read on for more…

I’ve been an open source guy for many years now – since 1998. Over the years I’ve been a proud open source user, sometime developer, and overall advocate. Seeing the success of open source has been a real joy, but I’ve also been mystified by the myths that permeate the industry when it comes to business models and product development and where they intersect with open source software. Now that open source has “won” the focus now shifts to opimization. As in, how do you optimize your processes to fully participate in and get maximum benefits from all the things happening right now in open source ecosystems?

Frankly, I’m amazed – and not in a good way – at how much bad advice and “thought leadership” exists out there pertaining to open source business things. I followed the open source way of scratching an itch, and I decided to finally do something about it: I created the Open Source Entrepreneur Network or OSEN. The OSEN is where you learn how to make, market and sell products and services based on open source software. In our brave new open source world, this is a skillset needed by startup founders (and their investors), product managers, IT managers, CIOs/CTOs, devops pros and more. The fact that so much of modern software supply chains originates with upstream communities adds several layers of complexity to product development, which was already complex to begin with.

So join us on this journey and let me know what you think!