What You’ll Learn at Cloud Native/Kubernetes 101 Roadshow: Pacific Northwest!


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is taking to the road February 7-9  in Portland, Seattle and Vancouver to offer end users, developers, students and other community members the ability to learn from experts at Red Hat, Apprenda and CNCF on how to use Kubernetes and other cloud native technologies in production. Sponsored by Intel and Tigera, the first ever Cloud Native/Kubernetes 101 Roadshow: Pacific Northwest will introduce key concepts, resources and opportunities for learning more about cloud native computing.

The CNCF roadshow series focuses on meeting with and catering to those using cloud native technologies in development, but not yet in production. Cities and locations include:

Each roadshow will be held from 2-5pm, with the full agenda including presentations from:

Dan Kohn, Executive Director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.  Dan will discuss:

  • What is cloud native computing — orchestrated containers as part of a microservices architecture — and why are so many cloud users moving to it instead of virtual machines

  • An overview of the CNCF projects — Kubernetes, Prometheus, OpenTracing and Fluentd — and how we as a community are building maps through previously uncharted territory

  • A discussion of top resources for learning more, including Kubernetes the Hard Way, Kubernetes bootcamp, and CloudNativeCon/KubeCon and training and certification opportunities

Brian Gracely, Director of Product Strategy at Red Hat. Brian will discuss:

  • Real-world use of Kubernetes in production today at Amadeus, LeShop, Produban/Santander & FICO

  • Why contributing to CNCF-hosted projects should matter to you

  • How cross-community collaboration is the key to the success of the future of Cloud Native

Isaac Arias, Technology Executive, Digital Business Builder, and Passionate Entrepreneur at Apprenda. Isaac will discuss:

  • Brief history of machine abstractions: from VMs to Containers

  • Why containers are not enough: the case for container orchestration

  • From Borg to Kubernetes: the power of declarative orchestration

  • Kubernetes concepts and principles and what it takes to be Cloud Native

By the end of this event, attendees will understand how cloud users are implementing cloud native computing — orchestrated containers as part of a microservices architecture – instead of virtual machines. Real-world Kubernetes use cases at Amadeus, LeShop, Produban/Santander, and FICO will be presented. A detailed walk through of Prometheus (monitoring system), OpenTracing (tracing standard) and Fluentd (logging) projects and each level of the stack will also be provided.

Each city is limited in space, so sign up now! Use the code MEETUP50 to receive 50% off registration!
