How Getting Your Project in the CNCF Just Got Easier


Managing and making sense of these new, cloud-native architectures is something that the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) aims to help make easier for developers worldwide. On today’s episode of The New Stack Makers podcast, we talk with CNCF Executive Director Dan Kohn and CNCF Chief Operating Officer Chris Aniszczyk about the direction of the CNCF and cloud-native computing as a whole. The interview took place at KubeCon/CloudNativeCon, which took place last month in Seattle.

CNCF has introduced …a new category of earlier stage project for developers to submit to, called the ‘inception stage.’ “What it does is it allows less mature projects to join CNCF at an earlier stage, but unlike the incubation process where if they’re in they’re basically in, the inception stage requires a new TOC vote every 12 months.”

Read more at The New Stack