“DevOps Is a Management Problem”


Improving your own organization’s performance – from where they are now to performance levels equal to the industry leaders – seems like a very long and difficult road. What is missing in most organizations? We talked to Damon Edwards, co-founder and managing partner of DTO Solutions and DevOpsCon speaker, about the challenges that accompany DevOps and how a repeatable system that empowers teams to find and fix their own problems looks like.

JAXenter: DevOps has the potential to transform not only the IT department but also the whole company. Why is it that DevOps means more than just bringing Devs and Ops together?

Damon Edwards: DevOps, Agile, Lean, Kaizen… they all are built on the same fundamental ideas. All are about teaching an organization how to find and fix its own problems in order to improve time to market and quality while decreasing costs. 

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