Black Hat: Windows 10 at Risk From Linux Kernel Hidden Inside


A researcher exposes design and control flaws in Windows 10 versions that have the capability to run Linux.

Embedded within some versions of the latest Windows 10 update is a capability to run Linux. Unfortunately, that capability has flaws, which Alex Ionescu, chief architect at Crowdstrike, detailed in a session at the Black Hat USA security conference here and referred to as the Linux kernel hidden in Windows 10.

In an interview with eWEEK, Ionescu provided additional detail on the issues he found and has already reported to Microsoft. The embedded Linux inside of Windows was first announced by Microsoft in March at the Build conference and bring some Ubuntu Linux capabilities to Microsoft’s users. Ionescu said he reported issues to Microsoft during the beta period and some have already been fixed. The larger issue, though, is that there is now a new potential attack surface that organizations need to know about and risks that need to be mitigated, he said.

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