Let’s Encrypt is Leaving Beta, Has New Sponsors


Lets Encrypt is leaving beta today. Were also excited to announce that founding sponsors Cisco and Akamai have renewed their Platinum sponsorships with 3-year commitments, Gemalto is joining as our newest Gold sponsor, and HP Enterprise, Fastly, Duda and ReliableSite.net are our newest Silver sponsors.

Since our beta began in September 2015 weve issued more than 1.7 million certificates for more than 3.8 million websites. Weve gained tremendous operational experience and confidence in our systems. The beta label is simply not necessary any more.

We set out to encrypt 100% of the Web. Were excited to be off to a strong start, and with so much support across the industry.

From the very beginning, Akamai has been committed to supporting Lets Encrypts vision of enabling greater use of SSL/TLS across the internet, says Stephen Ludin, Chief Architect at Akamai. This milestone is confirmation of Lets Encrypts ability to execute on that vision and have a tremendous impact to the Internet ecosystem.

Cisco is committed to improving the security of the Internet, not only for our customers and partners, but for everyone else as well, says David Ward, CTO of Engineering and Chief Architect at Cisco. Lets Encrypt has been doing impressive work toward that goal. Our support of this community towards real-time, on-demand certificates will make the Internet more secure.

Were very proud to be a Gold Sponsor for Lets Encrypt which leverages our industry-leading hardware security modules to protect their certificate authority system, says Todd Moore, Vice President of Encryption Product Management at Gemalto. Encryption by default is critical to privacy and security, and by working with Lets Encrypt Gemalto is helping to deliver trust for the digital services that billions of people use every day.

Lets Encrypt depends on industry and community support. Please consider getting involved, and if your company or organization would like to sponsor Lets Encrypt please email us at sponsor@letsencrypt.org.