EMC Continues to Court HPC Market with VNX Storage based on Lustre


VNX HPC storage applianceThis week EMC Corporation rolled out the new VNX HPC storage appliance, a preconfigured hardware and software appliance designed to simplify complex Lustre environments for commercial HPC customers.

Lustre is one of the most powerful file systems on the market for handling HPC workloads and a natural fit for emerging commercial HPC applications. But the management complexity, especially in fast growing environments, can be daunting. Many of these organizations don’t have the resources to take full advantage of complex Lustre based implementations. EMC is helping to change that with its VNX HPC series solution, which is appliance based for easy deployments and integrated with Terascala for simple end-to-end management and EMC global support.”

EMC says that the company began by focusing on simplicity first to make Lustre accessible, usable, and cost effective for commercial HPC. The VNX HPC series includes metadata and object servers, EMC VNX5100 metadata storage, VNX7500 object storage and the Terascala LustreStack software suite—delivering 10s of GB/sec bandwidth and 10s of petabytes of capacity.

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