Free Resource: How to Give a Great Tech Talk Tutorial at CollabSummit


Josh-BerkusAs the head curator for content at Linux Foundation events, I work with over 500 speakers a year on technical talks. Universally the people chosen to speak at our events have amazing technical knowledge. They know their stuff. But the actual skill in speaking, delivering an engaging and hopefully entertaining talk to an audience, is sometimes harder to come by. 

We are partnering with Josh Berkus to offer a free resource to help tech experts become better speakers. Josh will be giving a tutorial at our Collaboration Summit next month entitled “How to Give a Great Tech Talk.” If you haven’t seen Josh speak, you can view a very engaging and entertaining, tongue-in-cheek talk on how to prevent community he gave at CollabSummit in 2010 here. He knows how to get your attention so he can make his point. 

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