Install/Upgrade Linux Kernel To 3.18.3 Stable In Ubuntu/Linux Mint/Peppermint



Recently Linus Torvalds announced Linux Kernel 3.18.3. TheKernel includes several bug fixes. Latest Linux Kernelincludes new features, bug fixes and improve security. Updating/Upgrading Linux Kernel is recommended. 


What is Linux Kernel?

Those who don’t know what is the Linux Kernel they should know it because Linux kernel is the essential part of any Linux operating system. It is responsible for resource allocation, low-level hardware interfaces, security, simple communications, basic file system management, and more. Written from scratch by Linus Torvalds (with help from various developers), Linux is a clone of the UNIX operating system. It is geared towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliances. 


Latest Stable Linux Kernel Version 3.18.3

The Linux Kernel 3.18.3 release has many changes. Check the complete changelog here.


Install Linux Kernel 3.18.3

Because it is not available via PPA, the needed deb packages of Kernel 3.18.1 are available via Follow the instructions for your system’s architecture exactly, in order to get a successful installation.



To install or update Latest Stable Kernel 3.18.1 on Ubuntu 15.04 vivid vervet, Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr (LTS) , Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca, Linux Mint 17 Qiana, Pinguy OS 14.04, Elementary OS 0.3 Freya, Elementary OS 0.2 Luna, Peppermint Five, Deepin 2014, LXLE 14.04, Linux Lite 2.0, Linux Lite 2.2 and other Ubuntu derivative systems, open a new Terminal window and bash (get it?) in the following commands:



For 32-bit systems: Downlaod .deb files


Install the files now-

$ sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.18.3*.deb linux-image-3.18.3*.deb


Atfer install complete, update grub and reboot your computer and choose new kernel in grub :


$ sudo update-grub

$ sudo reboot



For Linux system 64 bit :


Install the files now-
$ sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.18.3*.deb linux-image-3.18.3*.deb


Atfer install complete, update grub and reboot your computer and choose new kernel in grub :

$ sudo update-grub

$ sudo reboot




How to UnInstall Linux Kernel 3.18.3


sudo apt-get remove ‘linux-headers-3.18.3*’ ‘linux-image-3.18.3*’
You’ve done it! Now you can check your Linux Kernel version after restarting system with the following command –

$ uname