Make Your Linux Machine a Virtual Router


I’ve written a boatload of Linux articles over the years. Not a big boat, mind you, but a boat nonetheless. Today, I’m going to tell you something important. Linux has reached a stellar of badassery and here’s why. Not only do we get a free, open and customizable system, but we can also use our computer as a virtual router. Here’s how:


1) Open terminal and type the following command

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8

2) Now, type:
sudo apt-get update

3) Finally, we can install ap-hotspot
sudo apt-get install ap-hotspot

4) Configuration time, baby!
sudo ap-hotspot configure

If you’re connected to an Ethernet cable, it should detect your network as something like etch0 — just continue. Once it asks to name your network, name it something like awesomenetwork. Your WPA password should be of the following length (this is what I use as my password: fivefifty. No longer, no shorter. 

Here are a couple of commands to stop and start your router.


5) Start router

sudo ap-hotspot start


6) Stop router

sudo ap-hotspot stop


7) Restart router

sudo ap-hotspot restart