An Update Regarding Bruno Knaapen


In a previous blog post here called My Favorite Penguins, I posted about Bruno Knaapen, a friend and Linux mentor to many in the Linux Community. Bruno spent many years compiling info for his site Tips for Linux Explorers and posted 37,000+ replies during his time as Founding Administrator of Scot’s Newsletter Forums – All Things Linux.

Bruno passed away surrounded by his family in his home in Amsterdam yesterday morning. He was a great asset to the Linux Community and will be sorely missed by those who knew and loved him. For more info and to read some wonderfully touching memorials to Bruno posted and blogged by his friends, click on the following links:


Difficult News About Bruno – started by Scot Finnie


Dearest Friends, Students, Admirers of Bruno Knaapen – started by V. T. Eric Layton


Please keep Bruno and his family in your thoughts.

Thank you for reading this.
