Password Recovery for Cisco’s ASA 5505 Adaptive Security Appliance.


This blog will discuss how to reset the password on Cisco’s ASA 5505 Adaptive Security Appliance.  First I will assume you are using Cisco’s gudie for recovering your password located at .  Start at page 7 entited “Performing password Recovery for the ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliance.

I won’t copy what’s in Cisco’s guide but I’ll add the following:

1.  Below is what steps 4 – 8 actually look like on Cisco’s ASA 5505:

rommon #1> confreg

Current Configuration Register: 0x00000000

Configuration Summary:


Do you wish to change this configuration? y/n [n]: y

enable boot to ROMMON prompt? y/n [n]:

enable TFTP netboot? y/n [n]:

enable Flash boot? y/n [n]:

select specific Flash image index? y/n [n]:

disable system configuration? y/n [n]: y

go to ROMMON prompt if netboot fails? y/n [n]:

enable passing NVRAM file specs in auto-boot mode? y/n [n]:

disable display of BREAK or ESC key prompt during auto-boot? y/n [n]:

Current Configuration Register: 0x00000040

Configuration Summary:


ignore system configuration

Update Config Register (0x40) in NVRAM…

rommon #2>

Next reload the ASA by typing boot.

rommon #2> boot

Launching BootLoader…

Default configuration file contains 1 entry.

Searching / for images to boot.

Loading /asa722-k8.bin… Booting…



Total SSMs found: 0

Total NICs found: 10

88E6095 rev 2 Gigabit Ethernet @ index 09 MAC:

88E6095 rev 2 Ethernet @ index 08 MAC:

88E6095 rev 2 Ethernet @ index 07 MAC:

88E6095 rev 2 Ethernet @ index 06 MAC:

88E6095 rev 2 Ethernet @ index 05 MAC: 

88E6095 rev 2 Ethernet @ index 04 MAC: 

88E6095 rev 2 Ethernet @ index 03 MAC: 

88E6095 rev 2 Ethernet @ index 02 MAC: 

88E6095 rev 2 Ethernet @ index 01 MAC: 

y88acs06 rev16 Gigabit Ethernet @ index 00 MAC:

Licensed features for this platform:

Maximum Physical Interfaces : 8

VLANs : 3, DMZ Restricted

Inside Hosts : 10

Failover : Disabled

VPN-DES : Enabled

VPN-3DES-AES : Enabled

VPN Peers : 10

WebVPN Peers : 2

Dual ISPs : Disabled

VLAN Trunk Ports : 0

This platform has a Base license.

Encryption hardware device : Cisco ASA-5505 on-board accelerator (revision 0x0)

Boot microcode : #CNlite-MC-Boot-Cisco-1.2

SSL/IKE microcode: #CNlite-MC-IPSEC-Admin-3.03

IPSec microcode : #CNlite-MC-IPSECm-MAIN-2.04


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Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version )


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Ignoring startup configuration as instructed by configuration register.

INFO: Converting to disk0:/

Type help or ‘?’ for a list of available commands.


2.  You should follow steps 9 – 12 exactly as in Cisco’s guide.

3.  I would like to add to Cisco’s step 13.  Cisco uses the command “password password” which should actually be “passwd password”.

4.  Cisco’s step 14 is where the fun begins!  Cisco says to type the command “config-register value” where value is the number you recorded in step 5.  THIS IS WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!.   If you follow Cisco’s step 14 and then step 15, yes you will have successfully reset your password, but if you reboot your ASA or loose power your ASA will stop at the ROMMON prompt (i.e. rommon #1>).  Instead, in step 14 you should type “config-register 0x10011″ and then precede to step 15.  Then, if you ever reboot you ASA or loose power, it should fully reboot and not be stuck at the rommon #1> prompt.

Hope this helps and happy routing/firewalling!