Midgard 1.8.1 “42” released

Piotr Pokora writes “Lodz, December 12th 2006 — The Midgard Project has released stable, 1.8.1 release version of the Midgard Open Source Content Management System.

Midgard 1.8.1 release includes major features’ enchancements:

  • Preview for new integrated replication functionality
  • Compatibility with 64bit systems
  • Major fixes

Read more about changes.


Midgard is a capable open source content management system for running mid-to-high-end websites. In addition to the built-in content management features, Midgard also provides a highly object-oriented component architecture for building interactive web applications that integrate seamlessly with the website.

Midgard provides unique technology so can be easily integrated with any kind of environment. From web applications ( Midgard CMS with its component framework – MidCOM ) to typical desktop ones ( Midgard Framework ). From personal blog to corporate portals and intranets.

Midgard is also language independent and due to its powerfull architecture is proved as stable, secure and flexible solution implemented in high range of environmental targets:

  • PHP or Java applications
  • PHP extension
  • Apache module
  • GTK desktop applications
  • C++ applications.

Get started with Midgard 1.8 today

Midgard CMS provides a powerful toolkit for web publishing and building interactive web applications. The features include:

  • Comprehensive authoring tools
  • Website management
  • Multilingual support
  • User management and access control
  • Web development

Read more about features and learn how to create content.

Planned for next releases

  • First alpha release of 1.9 branch : January/February 2007
  • Automated database MgdSchema management and table initialization
  • Deprecation of the classic functional Midgard API in favor of MgdSchema and Query Builder
  • Deprecation of repligard and apache1 support.
  • Integrated midgard-java package

Midgard resources

User and developers support:

About Midgard

The Midgard Content Management Framework was initially released in May 1999, and has since gathered a sizable user and developer community. Midgard powers thousands of web sites ranging from simple organizational websites to major portals like New Zealand eGovernment site and Playbill.

Midgard is being developed by an international team of professionals. Midgard’s development team includes new media designers, system integrators and content management consultants. Midgard development is being supported by several commercial and governmental entities including the European Union.

Piotr Pokora, Midgard release manager

Henri Bergius, Midgard spokesman

The Midgard Project