Prentice Hall PTR Publishes Mozilla Book

Heather Fox writes “Mozilla Expert Nigel McFarlane Authors Critical Guide for Programmers & Web Developers.

Upper Saddle River, NJ (December 2, 2003) Prentice Hall PTR, the leading publisher of advanced technology books, announces the publication of “Rapid Application Development with Mozilla”, (ISBN 0-13-142343-6), a comprehensive book which presents and instructs on Mozillas XML User interface Language (XUL) and its library of more than 1,000 pre-built objects, while demonstrating the power of Mozilla to create applications. A sample application- the NoteTaker Web browser add-on- is developed throughout the book.

The book begins with a detailed introduction to Mozilla fundamentals, then proceeds to cover topics such as: descriptions of Mozilla tools (XUL, XBL and XPCOM); the RDF data format and its interactions with XUL; integration tips for Windows and Mac systems; code listings; hundreds of screen shots and assistance with deploying finished applications.

As a special feature, Author McFarlane develops a sample application throughout the book: known as the NoteTaker Web browser add-on, this memory and commentary tool (upon installation within a browser), allows a user to add notes to any web page.

“Rapid Application Development with Mozilla” is part of the Prentice Hall PTR Bruce Perens Open Source Series, edited by open source evangelist and developer Bruce Perens. This Series includes books on Linux and other open source technologies, including new and emerging technologies. Each book in the Series is published under the Open Publication License, an open source-compatible book license.

Concurrent with the OPL, the contents of this book will be released to the public several months after its publication date. Visit to view source code for previously published Series books.

Amazon book link for Rapid Application Development with Mozilla: 423436/qid=1069168748/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/103-070056 6-6165429?v=glance&s=books

About the Author:

Nigel McFarlane is the author of many articles on web, XML, JavaScript and other technologies. A resident of Melbourne, Australia, he is also author of books, Instant JavaScript and principal author of Professional JavaScript.

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