Linux User Management System (Version .92)

Don Keeler writes

“GeKL Technologies, Inc. announces the Linux User Management System (UMS).  UMS allows an organization to centrally manage their users easily.

This application is able to be utilized on all distributions of Linux and in conjunction with GeKL’s KDE User Desktop Management System (UDMS). UMS allows an admin to create Linux User Groups, provide mass importing of users while establishing their Linux system profile and provides for easy user profile maintenance.

UMS is also used to maintain Linux User Groups.  An admin provides the name of the Linux Group they wish to create, then selects whether the group is to be used as a Linux System Group, KDE User Desktop Management System Group, or General Use Linux Group. 

The UMS Import feature allows an admin to examine the user data they are importing and then assign these fields appropriately to automatically create the Linux User profile accounts.

Fields Required: Users First Name,
Users Last Name.  Optional Fields:
Group Identifier (This is a field that could hold 5 for 5th grade, teacher, secretary, etc. It is used to group users if needed.)

Linux User System Setup Items:
The Linux admin selects what user format they wish to use as well;

First Initial + Last Name
Last name + First Initial
First Name only
Last Name only

Password Length: (1-20)

Numbers Required in Password: (1-20)

Building the Linux User Account Information The user name is automatically created, the user home directory is created, password is automatically created, and the Linux Private Group is created.

UMS and GeKL’s KDE User Desktop Management System (UDMS) are also integrated features in their EzThin Server solutions.”
