sponsors installfest in New York


Author: JT Smith

Jay Sulzberger, the corresponding secretary of LXNY forwards this to us. On 28-March-2001, will be sponsoring an InstallFest!
are sketchy right now, but here is an outline: The InstallFest will occur on Wednesday, the 28th, starting at 7:00pm,
Indira’s apartment, Avenue C and 11th Street (Manhattan; you are
NYC-geeks, right?)We plan to have up to ten installs (this limit is due to space);
electricity, bandwidth, monitors, and keyboards will be set up.

Bring any computer that has an MMU, memory, and enough storage to hold
OS, and we’ll install some version of Unix on it.

RSVP is necessary; the first ten people who want to install and the
ten observers will be taken, so plan now! Send a brief description of
hardware you’d like to use, and what additional hardware you may need.

We have plenty of extra Pentium motherboards, cd rom drives, small hard
drives, and cheesy video cards; bring larger hard drives, if desired,
ethernet cards, and whatever non-x86 hardware you can find.

Those of you with a cable modem or DSL line might like to attend
we will also be showing how to make an IP NAT router so that you can
your Internet line with as many computers as you like (well, several
hundred, at least).

Food and drinks will be served, and you are encouraged to bring some,