Open 3D Foundation Welcomes New Members OPPO and Heroic Labs as Community Optimizes Software to Embrace Mobile-First Gaming


Foundation growth driven by organizations seeing new use cases that require modular solutions to build the future of 3D technology

SAN FRANCISCO – September 7, 2022 – As gaming increasingly becomes a mobile-first experience, OPPO and Heroic Labs are joining as Premier and General members, respectively, of the Open 3D Foundation (O3DF). The two companies are working with the community to optimize the open-source Open 3D Engine project for mobile gaming.

OPPO is a global technology company focused on delivering consumer devices, notably mobile phones, and advocating for advancing cloud-native technologies. Heroic Labs is a creator of scalable, social infrastructure for cloud services and app server development. In joining O3DF, OPPO and Heroic Labs will collaborate with other O3DF members to accelerate standardization of 3D graphics development across a diversity of mobile platforms. 

This collaboration will happen inside a newly proposed O3DE (Open 3D Engine) Mobile Device Working Group, through which the O3DE community aims to build portable libraries and interfaces that can be used across a myriad of environments, freely available under the Apache 2.0/MIT license model. We invite all of those interested in shaping the development of 3D graphics standards for mobile devices to review and comment on this open proposal.

“We’re excited to welcome OPPO and Heroic to the community, and we look forward to their contributions in helping advance 3D graphics standards through the O3DE project,” said Royal O’Brien, general manager of Digital Media and Games at the Linux Foundation and executive director of O3DF. “These newest members personify the value of O3DE’s modular architecture, which makes it easier for developers to build 3D solutions that combine the technologies best suited to a diverse set of use cases. Mobile gaming is a great example of how that modular approach fosters extensibility and adaptability from our core technology.” 

“Today, 3D graphics technology has become an essential element of modern society, with application domains ranging from visual effects, gaming and medical imaging to next-generation content like Metaverse,” said Hansen Hong, director of OPPO Software Technology Planning. “We are excited to join the Open 3D Foundation as a Premier member at the early stage of its development. Through our collaboration within the Foundation, we are eager to contribute to the Open 3D Engine with mobile platforms as our focus. Together with the Mobile Device Working Group, we will bring smoother and more user-friendly mobile development experiences to O3DE developers, while generating more efficient yet immersive and realistic rendering applications for mobile users. “

“At the heart of our mission is making game development easy for everyone,” said Mo Firouz, co-founder and chief operations officer at Heroic Labs. “This goal is accelerated by joining O3DF and actively participating in the establishment of 3D graphic development standards that will benefit every level of game creation. Creating this future in community with other O3DF members aligns with our overall commitment to accessibility through open source.”

A Burgeoning Community
Over 25 member companies have joined O3DF since its launch in July 2021. Newest members include OPPO and Heroic Labs, as well as Microsoft, LightSpeed Studios and Epic Games. Other Premier members include Adobe, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Huawei, Intel and Niantic. In May, O3DE announced its latest release, focused on performance, stability and usability enhancements. The O3D Engine community is very active, averaging up to 2 million line changes and 350-450 commits monthly from 60-100 authors across 41 repos.

Attend O3DCon

O3DF will host O3DCon October 17-19 in Austin, Texas. The event will convene a vibrant, diverse community focused on building an unencumbered, first-class, 3D engine poised to revolutionize real-time 3D development across a variety of applications—from game development, metaverse, digital twin and AI, to automotive, healthcare, robotics and more. Early bird pricing expires September 16.

About the Open 3D Engine

Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is the flagship project managed by the Open 3D Foundation (O3DF). The open-source project is a modular, cross-platform 3D engine built to power anything from AAA games to cinema-quality 3D worlds to high-fidelity simulations. The code is hosted on GitHub under the Apache 2.0 license. To learn more, please visit and get involved and connect with the community on and

About the Open 3D Foundation

Established in July 2021, the mission of the Open 3D Foundation (O3DF) is to make an open-source, fully-featured, high-fidelity, real-time 3D engine for building games and simulations, available to every industry. The Open 3D Foundation is home to the O3D Engine project. To learn more, please visit

About the Linux Foundation

Founded in 2000, the Linux Foundation and its projects are supported by more than 2,950 members. The Linux Foundation is the world’s leading home for collaboration on open source software, hardware, standards, and data. Linux Foundation projects are critical to the world’s infrastructure including Linux, Kubernetes, Node.js, ONAP, Hyperledger, RISC-V, and more. The Linux Foundation’s methodology focuses on leveraging best practices and addressing the needs of contributors, users, and solution providers to create sustainable models for open collaboration. For more information, please visit us at

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