Cloudera, Hortonworks, and Uber to Keynote at Apache Big Data and ApacheCon Europe


Leading open source technologists from Cloudera, Hortonworks, Uber, Red Hat, and more are set to speak at Apache: Big Data and ApacheCon Europe, taking place Nov. 14-18 in Seville, Spain. The Linux Foundation today announced keynote speakers and sessions for the co-located events.

Apache: Big Data Europe, Nov. 14-16, gathers the Apache projects, people, and technologies working in Big Data, ubiquitous computing and data engineering, and science to educate, collaborate, and connect in a completely project-neutral environment; it is the only event that brings together the full suite of Big Data open source projects including Apache Hadoop, Cassandra, CouchDB, Spark, and more.

The event will feature more than 100 sessions covering the issues, technologies, techniques, and best practices that are shaping the data ecosystem across a wide range of industries including finance, business, manufacturing, government and academia, media, energy, and retail.

Keynote speakers at Apache: Big Data include:

  • Mayank Bansal, Senior Engineer, Big Data, Uber

  • Stephan Ewan, CTO, Data Artisans

  • Alan Gates, Co-Founder, Hortonworks

  • John Mertic, Director, Program Management, ODPi

  • Sean Owen, Director of Data Science, Cloudera

View the full Apache Big Data schedule.

Registration for Apache: Big Data Europe is discounted to $499 through October 3. Register Now! Those interested in also attending ApacheCon can add that to their Apache: Big Data registration for only $399. Diversity and needs-based scholarship applications are also being accepted. Apply now for a scholarship.


ApacheCon, Nov. 16-18, is the annual conference of The Apache Software Foundation and brings together the Apache and open source community to learn about and collaborate on the technologies and projects driving the future of open source, web technologies and cloud computing.

The event will contain tracks and mini-summits dedicated to specific Apache projects organized by their respective communities. In addition, ApacheCon Europe will host complimentary tracks, including Apache Incubator/Innovation, Future of Web, and Community, as well as hackathons, lightning talks, and BarCampApache.

Session highlights include:

  • Building a Container Solution on Top of Apache CloudStack – Paul Angus, VP Technology & Cloud Architect, ShapeBlue

  • Practical Trademark Law For FOSS Projects – Shane Curcuru, VP Brand Management, The Apache Software Foundation

  • Building Inclusive Communities – Jan Lehnardt, Vice President, Apache CouchDB

  • Building Apache HTTP Server; from Development to Deployment – William Rowe, Jr., Staff Engineer, Pivotal

  • If You Build It, They Won’t Come – Ruth Suehle, Community Marketing Manager, Red Hat

View the full lineup of ApacheCon sessions.

Registration for ApacheCon is discounted to $499 through Oct. 3. Register Now! Or Apply for diversity and needs-based scholarships. Those interested in also attending Apache: Big Data can add on that event for an additional $399.