Linux gaining mainstream support to reach critical mass.


Guys, surely most of you know and realize Linux is a great OS. The problem is no one uses it and no commercial apps work with it. (generalizing here sure a few things work)

What can we do to help Linux reach higher levels?

My proposals are

1. Focus on polish and ease of use.

a. to install an app there should be a universal way. Users dont care about how they want it done. When a user clicks on install they want an install to happen.

b. More commercial apps. Focus on games. Surely there is a sharp group out there that could get with some of these companies to work to help port some apps to Linux. In this economy people want cheaper products and Microsoft isnt cheap. With more linux netbooks and phones etc coming out it is gaining some recognition. If you could show a business how they could make money with Linux apps I think they would be more apt to accept it than ever before.

c. come up with a unified linux. I know I know this is a sin but come on guys, surely we could have a standard vendors or customers could choose that defaulted to a certain look and functionality. Most people dont need 10000 apps or 12 apps that do the same thing. And besides you could setup this standard to only apply if selected?

 d. Be heard. We need more communication on the benefits of linux. Hands on demos at the stores, blogs, some type of marketing from the big Linux companies, etc.

e. better hardware support. This has come a long ways. I still here “its Company XYZ’s drivers that suck”, well that may be, but surely something can be done about this.


I know this probably isnt 100% the way to do it and I will probably be flamed but I really would like to see Linux have its day.