Linux Job Opportunities: A Snapshot


Jobs today are like good, new television shows: hard to come by. But we’re finding that there are some very bright spots in the areas of IT management and software development, especially related to Linux jobs.

We just finished analyzing the data from our Jobs Board for September through November 2011 and are releasing some of the key findings today in the infographic below. While this illustration provides just a snapshot of the types of skills sought for Linux professionals and the locations of jobs found on our Board, we think it sheds some light on trends to watch.

In 2012, we hope to dig deeper with additional research on the demand for Linux talent and the specific skills most sought. We will use that data to help inform members, both corporate (employers) and individual (job seekers), about the Linux job environment and to continually improve our Linux Training offerings.

Based on the latest data published below, are you prepared for a job working on Linux?