Setup DVR on RDO Liberty Controller && 2(x)Computes ML2/OVS/VLAN landscape


Just a reminder in Juno and Kilo DVR was available for deployments using VXLAN tunneling and required l2population activation on all nodes. One of new features of Liberty is DVR compatibility with ML2&OVS&VLAN deployed landscapes. On RDO Liberty packstack doesn’t play so nicely doing VLAN deployment as in case of  VXLAN tunneling. Attempt to use old templates for answer file just does all configs properly only on Controller/Network Node.  However, it is not a problem replicate across Compute Nodes landscape required samples ifcfg-br-eth1,ifcfg-eth1 ( supporting VLAN vm/data network ) and  openvswitch_agent.ini , what makes RDO Liberty system attractive not only in case VXLAN (GRE) tunneling deployments, but still pretty comfortable for VLAN setups.  
    I also have to notice that on RDO Kilo same answer-file does Compute Nodes automatically and properly .
DVR setup on VLAN landscape is just easier then in case with VXLAN tunneling , l2population bringing up is not required 

Complete text may be seen here