some useful links…


Just want to pass on some useful links. Some you may know already, but I’ll post them anyway… there is always a chance that someone who is new may not  know these.

The first is a link to an add on to Firefox…. it is called NoScript. It is designed to make surfing with the browser safer. I know firefox is safe… but there is always room for improvement. It gives  you the option of allowing a website   or forbidding it. ( If you have ever opened a link only to  find that it wasn’t exactly what you thought it was… you’ll realize how handy this is. )  The link is (htt://noscript. net.) it just basically judges a website by its  script. Of course anything that gives you more control over what you see, is safer.

The second is a link to a website with alternative applications. It has a table with programs  and applications for MS on  one side and the Linux applications on the other. Just basically, it has everything in one place and saves searching around.  Most are already familiar, but like I said this may be useful for new Linux users. I was pleaseantly surprised to see just how many there were. Can’t wait to try some of them. Link is ( Linux Alternative Project.

The last is a link to Open Source Alternative site. Basically about open source platforms, programs,etc. You might find it interesting to read. (www. Sometimes you find useful information in places where you don’t expect. They also are on Facebook. 

Hope this is helpful.