Tux Paint Kids Summer Drawing Contest!


Hey all, Worldlabel is sponsoring a

Tux Paint Kids Summer Drawing Contest

Grab Tux Paint, make a cool drawing, win one of 3 OLPC laptops, one of 10 Sugar-on-a-stick and other awesome prizes!

If you’re not familiar with Worldlabel, the Worldlabel blog runs a lot of great Linux howtos.

The 2011 Tux Paint Summer Drawing Contest is sponsored by Worldlabel.com and is open to all children aged 3 to 12 who live anywhere in the World!

Here’s a chance to show off your talent using a great drawing program made especially for kids. Tux Paint is an award-winning drawing program you can download to your computer. Tux Paint was recently awarded SourceForge.net Project of the Month. It will run on all versions of Windows (including Tablet PC), Mac OS X 10.4 and up, Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD. And it’s FREE!


PRIZES: Worldlabel.com will give out prizes to 10 winners! 1st prize wins a OLPC notepad computer, Sugar-on-a-stick loaded with Tux Paint, a Tux Paint T-shirt and button. 2nd and 3rd wins a OLPC computer, Sugar-on-a-stick and a T-shirt. 7 more winners will be chosen and will receive a Sugar-on-a-stick and a Tux Paint t-shirt.


  • Download Tux Paint
  • Make your drawing in Tux Paint and save it in png format
  • Send your finished drawing in png format to
    This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
    and include “Tux Paint” in the email subject line
  • In the email submission include: 1) the artist’s’ name 2) the artist’s age 3) the title of drawing 4) the country where the artist lives
  • All artwork must be the contestant’s original work created on Tux Paint.
  • Only one entry per child

Entries will be judged on the quality and originality of the artwork. Extra points will be given to drawings that tell a story.

Entries must be submitted by midnight USA Easter Standard time on 12 September 2011. Winners will be announced no later than 22 September 2011.

All entries will be licensed: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported and will be exhibited on this page.

Contest Judges
Linda Goin
Dmitri Popov
Marguarita Suti


Visit Tux Paint Kids Summer Drawing Contest for complete details!