Video: Linus Torvalds Dives Tonight: “If I Don’t Come Back, Go On Without Me”



Linus Torvalds just finished his soon-to-be infamous scuba dive among the sea life in the Giant Ocean Tank at the New England Aquarium. The tank simulates a Caribbean coral reef, but I don’t expect Linus felt quite that tranquil given that attendees of the Linux Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference were watching through 52 windows as he socialized with penguins, sea turtles, stingrays, eels, barracuda and fish.

Linus has a reputation for doing things “just for fun,” and tonight’s dive takes that to a whole new level and also represents his disdain for keynotes. See why and hear his final words before taking the plunge in the following clip that gets up close and personal with Linus right before he goes in:



The Linux Kernel Summit and Linux Plumbers Conference are happening this week in Cambridge. I had the opportunity to drop in on this event a couple years ago when it was in Portland. This crew knows how to have a good time (they also know how to build the world’s best operating system, by the way).

We got a lot of other great footage of Linus’ dive tonight and will share the compilation very soon.