This Week in Open Source News: Linux & Open Source Vulnerabilities in 2017


This week in open source news, a study from Black Duck suggests the potential for open source malware is set to skyrocket in 2017, longtime undetected Mac malware exposed, and more! Read our digest for the recent stories you need to hear:

1) The Linux Foundation and Amdocs are partnering up to accelerate adoption of the open source Enhanced Control, Orchestration, Management and Policy (ECOMP) platform from AT&T.

Amdocs, Linux Foundation to Accelerate Service Provider, Developer Adoption of Open Source ECOMP– FierceTelecom

2) Black Duck Software is predicting an increase in open source threats this year.

Report: Attacks Based on Open Source Vulnerabilities Will Rise 20 Percent This Year– CSO

3) “Microsoft is adding support for yet another Linux distribution on Azure.”

Clear Linux OS Now Available On Azure– ZDNet

4) “Apple issues MacOS update that automatically protects infected machines.”

Newly Discovered Mac Malware Found in the Wild Also Works Well On Linux -Ars Technica

5) “Starting today we are accepting applications from open source projects who would like to serve as mentor organizations for enthusiastic student developers,” says Google.

Open Source Organizations Can Now Apply For Google Summer of Code 2017– betanews