Zarafa and Fedora


Message from Robert Scheck with Fedora

Hello everybody,

Good things come to those who wait. It took about 12 months now, but I’ve reached my personal goal: Getting the Zarafa Open Source Collaboration into Fedora.

Zarafa is a complete Open Source groupware suite that can be used as a drop-in Microsoft Exchange replacement for webbased mail, calendaring, collaboration and tasks. The features include IMAP/POP3 and iCal/CalDAV capabilities, native mobile phone support, the ability to integrate with existing Linux mail servers, a full set of programming interfaces, and a comfortable look and feel using modern Ajax technologies.

It was a very long technical and legal way and that’s why I would like to say “Thank you!” to all of you: Zarafa Netherlands , Zarafa Germany , Red Hat, Inc., Fedora Project.

Zarafa is available in the regular Fedora and EPEL repositories. You can install Zarafa after installation using the command line or the package manager of your choice.

Please note, that for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivates like CentOS, the repository Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) has to be enabled before:
For some more information about Zarafa at Fedora and ways of communication between Zarafa users, administrators and developers at Fedora, please have a look to the Fedora wiki page:
And the Zarafa Open Source Collaboration has been accepted by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) as a feature for the upcoming Fedora 13 Release:

Greetings, Robert Scheck

Fedora Project * Fedora Ambassador * Fedora Mentor * Fedora Packager