openSUSE Weekly News Team Meeting

The next openSUSE Weekly News meeting will take place tomorrow (Saturday February 27)  at 14:30 UTC. As always, the meeting will be held in IRC on the #opensuse-newsletter channel on Freenode.

Please add your topics to the meeting wiki page at:

We using for our Meeting the Meetbot. Please check for the commands.

Please add topics as soon as possible. Also, if you have questions for the meeting, but can’t attend (we know that the meeting times can’t work for everyone) please add them to the agenda as well.

For more on IRC meetings, see:

As always, we meet in #opensuse-newsletter on Freenode. Fire up your favorite IRC client and head over to #opensuse-newsletter.

Not familiar with IRC? A good overview can be found at This site is not affiliated with openSUSE. For more information on Freenode, see

Wondering what meeting times are? Check the openSUSE Meetings page. All project meetings and team meetings should be listed there.