Questions? Ask Fedora.



The Fedora folks want you to be successful in using Fedora. As part of the Fedora 16 release, the project is taking the wraps off of a new StackExchange-style site for asking questions about (what else?) Fedora.

Rahul Sundaram announced the forum on November 8th, to coincide with the Fedora 16 official release. It’s using Askbot, open source Q&A forum software. Says Sundaram, “The goal of Ask Fedora is to be the best place for community support in Fedora and integrate tightly with the rest of the Fedora infrastructure.”

Don’t have a Fedora login? No worries. You can use any OpenID login, so if you have a WordPress, Google, or other OpenID set of credentials you should be able to jump in and start asking and answering questions right away.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that also has several resources for folks seeking answers about Linux. Check out our forums and answers sections if you have questions about Linux that you can’t easily find online.

By the way, if you really and truly want help, check out Eric Raymond’s “How to ask questions the smart way” for some tips. Raymond may be a bit curmudgeonly, but there’s a lot of smart in there. Asking “why doesn’t my sound work on Linux?” on general forums is not going to get you very far. Asking “why doesn’t my sound work with the Acme 3.14 soundcard on 64-bit Fedora 16, with the latest updates?” on Ask Fedora or’s forums will get you a lot farther.