Unofficial openSUSE KDE 4.3 RPMs and Live CDs

Article Source openSUSE News
August 6, 2009, 12:18 pm

Get the latest KDE hot off the presses! The KDE Project announced the stable KDE 4.3 release this week, and openSUSE users can get the goods right away.

The KDE 4.3 release is available via One-Click Install for openSUSE Factory, 11.1, 11.0, and 10.3. Stephan Binner has provided a KDE 4.3 live CD using the openSUSE Build Service and KIWI. The live CD is a pure KDE showcase based on current openSUSE 11.1 packages. Note that the live CD and packages are not an official openSUSE release and have not been as fully tested as final openSUSE releases.

The latest KDE includes a number of new features, application updates, performance and usability improvements, and much more. See the KDE 4.3.0 release announcement for a list of improvements and updates.