Introductory Go Programming Tutorial


Maybe you’ve heard of Go. It was first introduced in 2009, but like any new programming language, it took a while for it to mature and stabilize to the point where it became useful for production applications. Nowadays, Go is a well-established language that is used for network and database programming, web development, and writing DevOps tools. It was used to write Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform and Ethereum. Go is accelerating in popularity, with adoption increasing by 76% in 2017, and now there are Go user groups and Go conferences. Whether you want to add to your professional skills, or are just interested in learning a new programming language, you may want to check it out.

Why Go?

Go was created at Google by a team of three programmers: Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. The team decided to create Go because they were frustrated with C++ and Java, which over the years had become cumbersome and clumsy to work with. They wanted to bring enjoyment and productivity back to programming.

…The idea of Go’s design is to have the best parts of many languages. At first, Go looks a lot like a hybrid of C and Pascal (both of which are successors to Algol 60), but looking closer, you will find ideas taken from many other languages as well.

Go is designed to be a simple compiled language that is easy to use, while allowing concisely-written programs that run efficiently. Go lacks extraneous features, so it’s easy to program fluently, without needing to refer to language documentation while programming. Programming in Go is fast, fun, and productive.