Linux Migration, Step 1: Why Migrate to Linux?

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Are you a Windows user and visit Then you have some interest about Linux, am I right? This article is part of a series of articles about migration from Windows to Linux. In this first article, we will talk about how a Windows user can know more about Linux, and how can run a Linux Distribution without formatting your computer. And all this without pain! The information described here will be always easy to understand. A complete set of links will be included, to help you navigate and learn fast about Linux and how to become a Linux User.

I’ll try to explain the principal Linux advantages that you, a Windows user, wants to know, too. The first think you need to put in your mind is: Linux its not only free (like in Freedom). Linux is really easy to use, have many beautiful graphics and interfaces, its compatible with most Windows programs and archives. And more important: Linux is intuitive, stable, and virtually virus-free!

First: Know More About the Main Linux Distributions

If you are a Windows user and have never used Linux, first you need to know more about this operational system. Actually, there are hundreds Linux distributions (almost 400!) active these days. Unlike Windows, there are many different of Linux available for you in the Internet. And for a new user it will be hard to choose one (or some) Linux distributions to use.

In general, you should test some (or all) of the most-used Linux distributions. Why? Because there are as many Linux distributions as ice cream flavors. And people can like more about one Linux distribution than others, also like ice cream! To help you start in this world, we suggest you to choose one of the six main Linux distributions. These are:

Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need – a web browser, presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and much more.

openSUSE is a free and Linux-based operating system for your PC, Laptop or Server. You can surf the web, manage your e-mails and photos, do office work, play videos or music and have a lot of fun!

Linux Mint is a Linux distribution based on (and compatible with) Ubuntu. Your design of the user interface is considerably beautiful and clean.

Fedora is a Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Fedora is always free for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. It is built by people across the globe who work together as a community: the Fedora Project. The Fedora Project is open and anyone is welcome to join.

Debian Official Logo
Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. Debian uses the Linux kernel (the core of an operating system), but most of the basic OS tools come from the GNU project; hence the name GNU/Linux.

Mandriva Official Logo
Mandriva Linux is the best way to start using Linux. A full Linux operating system on a single CD for both new and experienced Linux users, it is fast to download and install, and also safe to try with a live mode. One is really the one CD you need!