10 Conferences To Attend If You Are Looking To Meet Developers



The events world is getting really stale, but it is showing a new spring of innovation that in many respects mirrors the enterprise and its own paradox of sluggishness and fresh perspectives.

The big trade events and user conferences do have their merit. They provide an opportunity to get the user perspective and insights into the byzantine labyrinth of legacy software suites that so many customers still depend on. But the well spring of innovation is best discovered at events that focus on developers. These are mid-to-small-sized events that give you the chance to talk to developers and learn what is happening on the front lines of technology development.

We are coming to the end of the year so hopefully you can plan ahead to attend at least one of the 10 events below. This is not a definitive list — I am sure there are several others that have merit. Please use the comments to add ones you would recommend attending.

Defrag/Blur/Glue: Expect to meet developers creating SDKs for brain-controlled apps, pioneers of emerging programming languages and the world’s leading experts on all things APIs…Read more at TechCrunch