2003 WebGUI Community Contest Results

Plain Black writes “The First Annual WebGUI Community
Contest is over, the votes have been tallied, and the winners chosen.
Before we get into the details, we’d like to thank the participants for
putting in the effort to make WebGUI a better system and the WebGUI
Community stronger.


The goal of this area was to create a
new WebGUI pluggable application component (aka a wobject).

Both our ratings and the community’s
ratings are a match in this category for the top three entries, but the
Shopping Cart wobject is the clear winner. All three of the top entries
had excellent code, templates, and instructions. We feel that these
three are also of great use to the community as a whole, and don’t be
surprised if you see them in an upcoming WebGUI release.

Though the Simple Search wobject did not
win the contest, it was well executed and we learned a few things from
the author. We intend to enhance our own internal search mechanism
based upon the techniques used in it.

The Listings wobject was incredibly
creative, but lost points for elegance. Wobjects should be
self-contained, and this wobject modified the WebGUI core. In addition,
the category editor crashed when we tried to use it. This wobject also
lost some points due to limited appeal in the utility category. It is
useful only to a small subset of WebGUI users, but we can see how to
those users it would be incredibly valuable. We encourage the author of
this wobject to continue working on it, both to hone his skills and for
the benefit of the community.

The grand prize winner of the wobjects
contest is Andy Grundman for his Shopping Cart wobject. Because he was
also voted number one by the community he’ll be receiving a WebGUI

Because Len Kranendonk was voted number
two by the community for his work on the Advanced Search wobject he’ll
also be receiving a WebGUI t-shirt.

And finally Len Kranendonk (Advanced
Search), Ed Van Duinen (Task Manager), fishingfan (Listings), and
Leendert Bottelberghs (Simple Search) will all be receiving a $100
discretionary prize for their hard work and creativity.


The goal of this area was to create a
new WebGUI theme.

First and foremost we’d like to thank
Tiffany Patterson for the sheer number of submissions she made to this
category. Both the community and the Plain Black staff agree that her
Simple Elegance submission is the overall best submission.

Though only a slight aberration, our
staff disagreed with the community as to the second best entry in this
category. We felt that the designer of Cool Fire Breeze put a lot of
thought and ingenuity into his theme. Cool Fire Breeze is quite simply
the most elegant theme implementation in the contest; and due in large
part to its elegance, we believe we’ll see this design on a lot of
WebGUI sites in the future.

The grand prize winner of this category
is Tiffany Patterson for her Simple Elegance theme. Because she was
also voted number one by the community she’ll be receiving a WebGUI

Technically speaking, Tiffany won both
the first and second place positions according to the community, but
since a contestant cannot win twice in the same category she’ll have to
give up her second t-shirt. Irving Carrion will receive a WebGUI
t-shirt for his second place position according the WebGUI community.

Irving Carrion (Cool Fire Breeze) will
also receive a $100 discretionary prize for his efforts.

It’s worth noting that fishingfan
(Simple) would also have won a $100 discretionary prize in this
category, but since he already won in the wobjects category, he is not
eligible for a second prize. Having entries in two categories shows
that fishingfan has some real drive. Keep up the great work!

Navigation Macros

The goal of this category was to create
a new navigation macro.

We got only three entries
in this category. Our original thinking with this category was that
people often voice their opinion that there should be more types of
navigation in WebGUI. Seeing the limited number of submissions leads us
to believe that we’ll need to create a new category to replace this one
for next year’s contest.

We’ve awarded the grand
prize to Patrick Weemeeuw for his work on the
Next Page Link macro. It was easily the most creative since there is
nothing like it in WebGUI. Patrick will also receive a WebGUI t-shirt
for being voted second-place by the WebGUI community.

Daniel Collis Puro will receive a WebGUI t-shirt for his UL Flex Menu and
Simple Vertical Menu macros, which were voted first and second place
respectively. Since he cannot win the same prize twice, Daniel will
concede his second t-shirt to Patrick.

Note About Disqualification

Some entries are ranked 999 by the Plain
Black staff. This is because they were disqualified from winning
monetary prizes for being derivatives of existing WebGUI components, which is in violation of the rules.”

Link: plainblack.com


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