2016 Survey Shows More and Diverse SDN Use Cases Being Deployed by Open SDN Power Users


By: Melissa Logan, Head of Marketing, OpenDaylight & Chris Buerger, OpenDaylight Marketing Chair

OpenDaylight Infographic 2016 user surveyIn OpenDaylight’s second User Survey, issued January 2016, more organizations are using or testing ODL to solve key network challenges as production-ready SDN deployments continue to rise. The most interesting emerging trend is the increase in diversity – diversity of use cases being tested and deployed, company sizes and industries being served, problems being solved, and technologies being used.

Seventy three percent of respondents were from end user organizations, primarily in the telco space, but we also saw organizations from new industry segments starting to participate, such as finance, entertainment and energy.

Key findings include:

Organizations diversify their use of the ODL platform. End users are doing more with ODL across a broader set of use case categories than before: Cloud and NFV (28 percent), Network Monitoring, Management and Analytics (27 percent), Traffic Engineering (26 percent), and New Service Creation (19 percent). Organizations are turning to ODL to solve a wider range of challenges such as Transport SD-WAN, DDoS protection, managing mixed networks, and many others that will explored in subsequent blogs. The community’s latest release Beryllium adds important functionality to enable this growing set of SDN use cases.

OpenDaylight is being deployed globally. We asked organizations to identify the top five countries where they have deployed ODL. Among the 23 countries represented, the top three were: United States (34 percent), China (14 percent), and Japan (9 percent). This was in line with the range of user stories that were shared in 2015. We’ll continue to track this trend in subsequent surveys.

Innovation, ecosystem and apps are key business drivers. We again asked organizations to rank the top reasons they use ODL and they were listed as follows:

  1. Greater ability to innovate and compete (ranked third on previous survey)
  2. Ability to leverage the growing OpenDaylight ecosystem of solutions and applications
  3. Ability to write my own network applications

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In the coming weeks we will issue a full report of the survey results, so stay tuned. The OpenDaylight User Survey allows us to better understand where, why and how ODL fits into organization’s deployment plans, giving us insights into how we can refine the platform and the end user experience.

Thank you to everyone who participated!

This blog post was originally published on OpenDaylight.org.