4 Tutorials on Using Docker Tools to Run a Truly Distributed Application in Production


In this series of four tutorials, Docker Cookbook author Sebastien Goasguen introduces the Docker tools which empower developers to create distributed applications. He introduces Docker Compose, Docker Engine, Docker Machine, and Docker Swarm and demonstrates how to use them to create a multi-container application; how to manage the application; how to start the application on a Docker Swarm cluster and scale it; and finally, how to set up networking for a Swarm to allow containers to communicate with each other across hosts.

Part One: Introduction to Docker Compose Tool for Multi-Container Applications

This tutorial gives you a brief introduction to Docker Compose, by building a Ghost blog site.

Part Two: Docker Volumes and Networks with Compose

Demonstrates a few Docker Compose commands to manage a multi-container application, and introduces Docker Volumes and Docker Networks, which can be specified in the YAML file describing a Compose application.

Part Three: How to Use Docker Machine to Create a Swarm Cluster

A brief introduction to Machine and how to use it to create a cluster of Docker hosts called a Swarm.

Part Four: Using Docker Swarm to Create an Overlay Network

A cluster of Docker hosts is needed to run a truly distributed application in production. This article looks at setting up networking for a Swarm to allow containers to communicate with each other across hosts.