Alien Arena 2007 6.04 released!

Anonymous Reader writes “Alien Arena 2007 6.04 has been released for Windows and Linux. This release marks the most signifigant change in content in the game’s history! Eleven brand new maps have been added, along with revamped Deathball, and Team Core Assault modes, plus numerous new client and server side enhancements. Now with real-time lighting and shadows, the CRX engine can deliver smooth yet impressive visuals even on modest gaming systems. You can pick up the new version of the Q2 based standalone, retro sci-fi FPS at Red Planet Arena. In addition, they offer Galaxy 2.0 serving as a front end, allowing players to track player stats with a click of the mouse! Included is a built in IRC client, where users can chat with others, stay abreast of latest tourney news, and get help if they have problems with the game.”
