AllSeen Community Blog Series: Sam Lanning


Sam Lanning is a computer science student at Oxford University and a sponsored member of the AllSeen Alliance. Sponsored members are reserved for organizations such as non-profits, associations or academic institutions and can be admitted by a majority AllSeen board vote.

Why did you want to become a part of the AllSeen Alliance?
I have been particularly interested in the subject of device interoperability for a while now, and long thought that to reach our tech visions of the future, we will need cooperation way beyond what we have today. We would need open source, community-driven protocols and platforms, just like what we’ve had for years in various Internet protocols, only a level higher. After discovering AllJoyn, realising that there are others out there who share my vision, and seeing that lots of progress had already been made, I obviously became very excited! After writing a blog post, and getting in contact with a number of people from the AllSeen Alliance, the subject of a sponsored membership was brought up, and of course I was more than happy to get on the bus!

What contributions do you hope to make as part of the Alliance?
My interests mainly lie within extending AllJoyn beyond its current feature set, in particular extending AllJoyn beyond proximal communication within the home and enhancing security.  

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